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The Team

Chris Westbrook

Lead Teaching Pastor

Nickname: The original Karate Kid

Childhood Hero: Wolverine 

Favorite things: rock climbing, snowboarding, martial arts, photography 


2012- Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's in Middle Grades Education, Georgia State University.


Chris has been a worship leader and Bible teacher for more than 15 years. He also owned and operated a photography company before coming on full time staff at Riverstone. 


Our lead pastor, Chris Westbrook.

Associate Pastor

Clint Parsons

Nickname: Clint

Childhood Hero: Spiderman and his uncle Gary

Favorite things: basketball, camp ministry, movies, traveling

Clint graduated from North Park University in 2001 with a Bachelor's in Youth Ministry​ and completed Vineyard Institute in 2019. ​


Clint is an ordained pastor and has been a lead pastor, executive pastor, "guy who does things at church" and started here at Riverstone in January of 2024. â€‹â€‹Clint is originally from Virginia, has lived in a lot of places since, and loves the nations, but is especially fond of Stickleyville, VA.​


Since this photo, he has lost both the overalls and hat. If you find either, please let him know.



Matt, our worship leader.

Matt Satterfield 

Worship Leader and CR Ministry Leader

Matt’s been leading worship for decades. Despite this picture making him look like a Gypsy pirate, he’s a pretty legit dude.

Tammy McIntyre

Kids Pastor

Nickname: Tam … or Mac and Cheese 

Childhood Hero: Hermione Granger 

Favorite things: reading, dogs, digital art and creating, Christmas, literally any form of potato.


Tammy graduated from the University of Georgia in 2010 with a Bachelor’s in Middle Grades Education and went on to receive her Master’s in Teaching and Learning and Education Specialist degree in Instructional Technology.​ A teacher and school librarian for 13 years, Tammy now works remotely for an education technology company so she can be home more often with her two kids and two fur babies. 


Tammy has a passion for teaching and a heart for serving others. Come to the kids ministry and say hi - she wants to meet you! 

Tammy, our Kids Director.
Tanya Luna, Women's Ministry

Tanya Luna

Women's Ministry

Nickname: Tanya Lasagna

Childhood hero: Mowgli 

Favorite things: Coffee, family, any game with running


Tanya was a Missionary’s kid in Colombia and moved to the US in high school. She graduated in 2006 from UGA with degrees in Spanish and Sociology, and completed her Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2010. She has been a practicing therapist ever since. 


Tanya has been involved in a range of different ministries - from campus ministry overseas to interpreting in medical clinics and everything in between. She loves to be outside as much as possible and keep life as simple as a llama’s. 

David Price-Williams

Youth Director

While parrots aren’t at the top of his list, Jesus certainly is! In addition to being an entrepreneur and business owner, David leads Riverstone Youth by coordinating outreach opportunities each month and our weekly youth gathering where he and our team of volunteers encourage our youth and provide opportunities for them to exercise their God-given gifts. 


David, our Youth Pastor.
Our founding pastor Scott Westbrook

Scott Westbrook

Founding Pastor Emeritus 

Nickname: The original hipster.


Childhood Hero: Superman, A.K.A Man of Steel 


Favorite things: kids and grandkids, nature photography, Jeeping, and fly-fishing. 


Scott has been in Ministry since 1972 serving as a pastor, youth pastor and Bible teacher, Christian musician, and chaplain. In July 1991, he planted the Gwinnett Vineyard Church with a group of friends. The Gwinnett Vineyard changed its name to Riverstone Church upon moving to it’s present location.

In 1977, Scott graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion from Mercer University in Atlanta and in 1986, from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth Texas with a Master's of Divinity.

Leadership Board

Our Leadership Board consists of mature disciples of Jesus who help us make value-based decisions for the flourishing of our people and the effective execution of our mission. These fine folks help keep our leadership spiritually accountable to their duties and roles. They also serve our people, giving pastoral council and prayer, and we are so thankful for their wisdom and input!

Finance Team

This team overlaps with our elders in part, but they are tasked with keeping our finances above board and on track in impact and effectiveness. They have full access to all our books and oversee annual audits along with other initiatives aiming at financial accountability and health.

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