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It's amazing how many Christians miss the most central motivating factor of Christian living.

It's the why behind the what — the reason for everything, everywhere, never-ceasing, never-ending: God's glory, His love, His worth. We are being invited into a life of wonder — not religion. Jesus didn't come to give a new law; he came to give a new way, a totally different motivation for living. We believe God has already acted. He has come. He has rescued. He has redeemed through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son. All creation praises Him! As John Piper says, "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." Worship is not which church we go to or how we spend one hour on a Sunday morning but is expressed by what our hearts truly delight in, how we talk to each other, our work ethic, our thought life lives.

We believe worship has more to do with the life we actually live on a daily basis, and we will continually call you to delight in God — who He is, what He's done. It is only when we see him clearly, seated high above every power and authority, above every pleasure and joy, above every sin and shortcoming, that we begin to truly worship.

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